Saturday, April 2, 2011

Perfect Day For Practice!

It's almost time to race, and today the pits were full of people who brought their karts out to get some seat time before the first "Mazda Heartland Sprint Series" race next weekend.

All of us with BP Motorsports Group wanted to say "Thank You" to all of you who responded and showed up to come practice today!  We're so glad it worked out and we were able to offer a practice session prior to the official start of the season so we wanted to take a quick moment to say, "Thank You"....

Today during practice we even had some drivers come in from Delmar, Iowa to check out the facility.  From what I was told there were very impressed and looking forward to the possibility of racing with us this season.  Thanks for making the drive you guys and you're more than welcome to come join us, we'd love to see you come back and race with us.

Get the karts ready everyone!  The first green flag drops next week!!!!!

Chris Hagan
Director of Sales & Marketing
BP Motorsports Group

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