Friday, April 1, 2011

Top Gun of Karting Begins, NOW!

IndyCar Sets Field for First Mazda Road to Indy Scouting Combine
The field of Regional Qualifier Series has been set and "The Mazda Heartland Sprint Series" is leading the pack!  Now, with five other series added, the question becomes....  

Who will be "Maverick & Goose"???   

Click link below for the full story..... 

MAZDA Scouting Combine Regional Qualifier Series 

Practice starts tomorrow.....  "No points for second place."  "The plaque for the alternates is in the ladies room."   Ok that's the end of the shameless "Top Gun" movie quotes.  Plus last years Tag Senior Winner was Kaylee!!!  Perhaps the plaque for the alternates will be in the "Men's Room" again this year....   

Good luck everyone!!!!!

Chris Hagan
Director of Sales & Marketing
BP Motorsports Group

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